
96 الفيديو

مدة الدورة: 4 ساعة و 25 دقائق

Study Shows Link Between Using the Internet as an Escape and Increased Depressive Symptoms


Study Shows Link Between , Using the Internet as an Escape , and Increased Depressive Symptoms. A new study suggests that long-term internet escapism can lead to emotional issues such as depression. . PsyPost reports that the research showed a link between people who use the internet as an escape and higher levels of problematic internet use and depression. . The study, published in the journal 'Computers in Human Behavior,' specifically explored how using the internet as a distraction and depressive symptomology interact. . The study, published in the journal 'Computers in Human Behavior,' specifically explored how using the internet as a distraction and depressive symptomology interact. . Problematic internet usage is defined as when a person loses control over their internet usage to the point that it interferes with their life. . It includes playing video games and using social media, in addition to general internet use. . It includes playing video games and using social media, in addition to general internet use. . Chronically using the internet to disconnect from worries may work as an emotional buffer to mitigate negative emotionality in the short run, but at the cost of consolidating a problematic use of technology, and depressive symptoms if it becomes a habit, Cristóbal Hernández, study author, via PsyPost. PsyPost points out that the study was conducted during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, a time when both stress levels and internet usage were way up. . PsyPost points out that the study was conducted during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, a time when both stress levels and internet usage were way up. . According to the authors of the study, the findings highlight the importance of taking into account a person's intention and state of mind when using the internet. . According to the authors of the study, the findings highlight the importance of taking into account a person's intention and state of mind when using the internet. . Experts suggest that future studies be conducted to see if the results can be replicated outside of the context of COVID-19.

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